Ms. Heaven's Thought of the Day

Just my day to day thoughts on life in general.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

the end

THe end of a chapter has come. My daughter went to residential treatment on Thursday. She is living 4 hours away now. I will be going up for thier Thanksgiving Dinner Party.

The house she is in is pretty nice. They did an awesome job of welcoming her. Banners. Welcome signs. A teddy bear, two beanie babies, etc.

My house is quiet now.


At November 11, 2004 at 9:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my God...such a Great Woman you are...really.
i just read your complete blog and found that i was reading blog of one of the greatest woman...Don't have words to explain my feelings...i wish if i can support you...there are very less number of mothers who do such things for their children...can't explain my feelings.

I don't want to advertise myself...that why you can see i am Anonymous...just want to tell that i am Male/21/Pakistan.


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