Bitter Sweet Verdict
Let me start by qualifying this post.
I live in Modesto, CA.
I moved here a week before Lacy disappeared.
I never met Lacy or Scott.
I work with one of Lacy's cousin.
My daughter's friend a boy in our apartment complex had Lacy as a subsitute teacher.
Two of my neighbors are teachers who knew Lacy.
During the 2 hours waiting for the verdict I had serveral conversations with several people about the posiblities and what it would mean.
I honestly felt the verdict was too quick and it could only mean not guilty. So one of my questions was, what happens if he is found not guilty? Does he collect $250,000 in life insurance? Does Mark take all of it as attorney fees? and things of that nature.
I was actually getting ready to crawl into bed when the news came that the verdict would be in 2 hours. So, I had to set an alarm clock in case I fell asleep.
I sat there feeling sick waiting for the verdict. Neither verdict was/is a win in my opinion.
Lacy's family loved Lacy. They loved Conner. They accepted and probably loved Scott.
Scott's family loves Scott. They loved Conner. They accepted and probably loved Lacy.
So, even though justice was served in the conviction.......
You have a situation where your son killed your grandson and his wife.
You have a situation where your daughter and grandson were killed by your son-in-law.
I feel terribly for both the Rocha's and Peterson's right now.
To the man I work with who is Lacy's cousin, know I was thinking of you and yours today as the news broke.
Lacy and Conner May God Bless Your Souls.
Scott May God Show Grace by Forgiving You.
To the Jurors, May you find peace in a heartwrenching time as you determine Scott's fate.
To the families and friends... I am just so very very sorry.
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