Ms. Heaven's Thought of the Day

Just my day to day thoughts on life in general.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

My dad....

Lately there is just too much drama in my life...
Between Holly, Insurance Companies, SSI, My job, mom's stroke... (mostly short term memory problems) residual symptoms that come and go, I could do without anymore drama...

But last week on Monday.... My dad went to the dr for a cold. When he got there the PA listenend to his chest. Then a nurse listened to his chest. Then the doctor listened to his chest. Then they did an EKG. Finally he was sent to the ER where he spent the next day and a half.

Well, he went to the ER with a really bad EKG. He got there and everything looked fine, except his blood sugar. So being as he is a diabetic they decided to keep him over night and run tests. Those test all came back fine....again except his blood sugar... so he did his stress test and that was okay as well. But then they did the nuclear x-rays about 2 hours later. He has a blockage. He has to have angioplasty in the very near future... They are hoping that will do the trick otherwise he might need a bypass operation.

You know, there are times I just wish I had a drama free life.... sighs...


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