If I were on Extreme Make-Over
I am sitting here thinking... if I were on Extreme Make-Over after I loose the 100 plus pounds I need to loose, what would I want done?
My goals are : 99-123 lbs which would give me a healty BMI of 20-24 and 14-20% Bodyfat is considered athletic.
So here's my list:
1) Hair Color... grey grey go away!!!
2) A new Hairstyle. Right now I have my hair one length at the hair line... My bangs are about an inch short yet. I want to let it grow one length and long. The reason is when the weight is gone there will be more options then if it is short, has layers, or has bangs, etc. A style that makes me look YOUNG... not like I don't look young now... cause I still get carded when I buy cigarettes or alcohol for people. A style that compliments my new size.
3) Skin Tags be gone.
4) Mole or Growth under right side of nose be gone.
5) Permenant laser hair removal from arm pits, legs, eye brows, fingers, toes, stomach, and maybe.....
6) Excess skin removal. Let's be honest, if I am bigger round then I am tall, when all is said and done I will most likely have excess skin. Reconstructive surgery? Donation to skin graft banks? (would probably remove the majority of my stretch marks)
7) Foot surgery. Okay, it sounds weird, but I have wide feet and the pinky toe is chrunched inward as is my big toe. Calluses, Bunions... who nees them. (Can you cange one's arch so they don't pronate?)
8) Boob job. Not implants, but raised some how. Right now they hang almost to my waist. Now come on, I am only 32, I am not an old lady.
9) Begining of a cholesterol patch over my right eye be gone.
10) Eye lid lift... they sag... could be the excess body fat at this point.
11) Air Brush tan... gotta have that hot tan but skip the skin cancer.
12) Chemical face peel to make the few wrinkles and lines go back where they came from. Give me back the youthful skin.
13) Laser acne therapy. (chest, stomach, face)
14) Chin/Jawls liposuction and skin tightened. (I am not sure if it will still be an issue when the weight is gone.)
15) Replace two missing molars.
16) Teeth cleaning, whitening, silver fillings replaced with natural colored fillings, and sealants.
17) Scar removal. (appedectemy and one on my right hip from a shot that abcessed)
18) Manicure, Pedicure, new make-up.
19) New stylish wardrobe to compliment the new physique.
Okay... so there are alot of things I see as imperfections that will still remain after the weight loss... so be it... none of us are perfect. I think the biggest points are... I plan to loose all the weight by diet and exercize... not stomach stapling, gastric bypass, liposuction, etc. The second major point is I wouldn't change my face. I like my features in old pictures. I was cute. I still am cute... just a bloated, swollen, queen-sized cute.
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