Ms. Heaven's Thought of the Day

Just my day to day thoughts on life in general.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

1 AM on a Thrusday morning

So what is a mom like me doing up at 1 AM on a Thrusday morning.

Well it all goes back to why I am on the job hunt. I used to work graveyards as in 10-6. I used to do both Ad-Set and Frieght Merchandising. I mentioned before that there were changes. Changes that caused major financial hardships. It meant Ad-Set is now 8P-2A and Freight is now 5A-11A. It meant we had to choose coming in during prime-time TV or waking up at 4 in the morning to go to work. The changes meant losing 2.5 hours a day of pay. The changes meant we all lost our 1.75 an hour shift premium. So it was a double loss. (Not to mention on Jan 1 my insurance goes from 21 a week to 36 a week.) I have gone from working about 38 hours a week to 11-15 a week. So I am wide awake sitting here with nothing to do at 1AM.

My Rice cooker just popped, so that means it is lunch time? LOL

I just cleaned out a box in my room and found people on freecycle to relive me of the stuff.

Now I will probalby go hit the job websites looking for a new job, a job that will be a little more reliable.


At December 31, 2004 at 8:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new job!

thanks for listening and inspiration,



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