Freecycle, WheresGeorge, Geocaching
So what do I do when I am bored and on-line?
1)Freecycle it is a virtual recycling bin. Don't through your things out... find your local freecycle group at the website and give it away. Need something? Maybe one of your neighbors doesn't need it anymore... Freestuff works for me!
2) Wheres George? Ever wondered where that money came from? Who had it? Where did my money go? Well get ready to find out. Register at Wheres George... Mark your bills, Where did you see me? and the URL, Enter the serial number, denomenation, year, and any comments, then spend... when someone finds it they can re-enter the serial number, etc and you will get an e-mail notifying you that your bill has been found. Kewl eh?
3) Geocaching This one is a lot of fun if you have access to a GPS unit. You punch in a zip code and it gives you a list of treasure sites to go find. You enter the coordinates into your GPS unit and then you are off. The fun part is finding out what is inside. You will find a log to enter your name. Take something out. Put something in. Go back to the website and log your find or lack of find. A hi-tech treasure hunt.
4) Sweepstakes and Contests
I belong to a ton of contest and sweepstakes groups at yahoo. I also use maybe three or four websites to look for freebies they include: and
5) Freebies I love getting freebies!!! Again I mostly use yahoo groups to get the scoop on who is giving away what on a regular basis.
6) Got an Opinion? Questionaires, Surveys, Test Market Studies, Trials, Mystery Shopping, etc might be something you enjoy as much as I do. Then again if you want to tell the media, press or goverment something you might just go straight to
7) when all else fails I can rely on or to humor me for a while.
8) oh yeah my sister put together a page on her blog of the websites I am using to job hunt... you might need it someday... it is at there are many other job banks out there but this is a great way to start your job search!
Hopefully you will find a few things that you can have fun with in here... if you get into freebies, sweeps, etc you might go to and download roboform. It will fill in alot of the info for you with a simple click of one button.
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