All I want for Christmas
1) Sienfeld DVD's
2) Money you can paypal me at *hint hint*
3) Thom Racina stuff
4) Thomas Kinkaid stuff
5) Gas cards for trips to see my daughter
6) Hotel gift certificates to see my daughter
7) Vanilla perfume
8) hair straightened
9) Manicure
10) Pedicure
11) Dog Obiedence school for my boys
12) Carpets cleaned
13) Merry Maid gift certificate
14) Elkhide flogger
15) Tony Robbins stuff
16) Wayne Dyer stuff
17) Peter J. Daniels stuff
18) cat declawed, fixed, shots, licesne
19) dogs groomed, shots and licenses
20) two beta vases with the feeding plants so they don't require cleaning or feeding
21) pants
22) coat
23) new pair of saucony shoes
24) massage
25) hair dyed to get rid of the grey
26) a lobotomy
I guess that is a good start
what do you want?
26) a lobotomy..... yes you do need this one the most, this should be #1
Ya witch! Just wait til I get my hands on you Christmas Eve! Give me back your presents, Darn it!
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