Ms. Heaven's Thought of the Day

Just my day to day thoughts on life in general.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

This is me

This is how I want to be remembered:

Life and death came together in an odd way Monday in Modesto.

All around the city, people thought about Scott Peterson's death -- a punishment recommended by the jury in his double-murder case. Still, in bars and restaurants, people did not cheer as some did a month ago when the jury pronounced his guilt. Monday, people stopped to listen, then quickly went back to what they were doing.

Dozens of people thought about life, as in saving lives, by donating blood at a blood drive named in honor of Peterson's victims -- his wife, Laci, and their unborn son, Conner.
Michelle Dorman, 32, of Modesto said she came to donate after hearing the jury's recommendation for death.

"I had thought about doing it when I heard about (the drive) yesterday," she said. "When the verdict came in today, it just kind of pushed me into doing it."

Of the verdict, Dorman said: "I honestly don't think anyone wins. You have the situation where the Rochas at one point welcomed this man into their home. … And the Petersons love him, but how can you love the person who killed your grandson?"

The entire article can be read at

How about you?


At December 14, 2004 at 11:09 AM, Blogger Molli said...



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