Today, I have to take Maximus, the walker hound to get his shots, chip, and license. He will finally officially have people.
Max is quite a story. I woke up one day to an extra dog in my house. My daughter said she had no idea where the owners were. She said she bought him for $20.00. Money that was stolen from my purse.
This dog is so obedient. He wakes you up with kisses to go potty during the night. He is very docile. He was fixed already and he was very well groomed.
I couldn't believe this dog was given to a child for 20 bucks. So I took him to the pound and had him scanned. I couldn't believe it... no chip. I was certain he would have a chip. We watched missing dog ads for about a month. We looked through the lost dog book at the pound and so forth. No one was missing this dog.
So, I had made a deal before we went to get the dog scanned... if he wasn't chipped or a missing dog, she could keep him. 6 months or so later, Maximus is laying under my computer table at my feet as I type this message.
He was originally named BUCK, she said that is what the owner called him. I told her NO because everytime she called him I thought she was saying the F word at first. So she wanted glutites maximus (SP) Basically he goes by Max, Maxwell, Maximus, Maxie Waxie, etc.
So today it is official he will have people. Once he is chipped you basically can never get rid of them... they will always come back.
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