Ms. Heaven's Thought of the Day

Just my day to day thoughts on life in general.

Friday, November 19, 2004

what's your number? Can I call you?

At work the other day one of the young girls were saying they were being bugged by a guy who wants her phone number.

My solution was why don't you give him the local FBI field office number? He won't ask for your number again.

Another girl pulled out her cell phone and called 415-356-9833 and it was a riot.

You get told that you are being rejected. It offers reasons why... ie fat, ugly, psycho stalker vibes, etc.

It ends by telling you to get over it beacuse they have already forgotten about you.

And if that were not enough... after a few bits about needing advertizers... it LAUGHS at you for being rejected.

Too cute...

they have 30 local numbers across the United States... maybe they have one near you.
They also offer an e-mail address that when someone emails it... they get an autoresponder rejecting them and saying they hope the person didn't put a lot of time and effort into the e-mail.... too cute rejection spelt backwards...

too cute...

I dig it


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