Ms. Heaven's Thought of the Day

Just my day to day thoughts on life in general.

Monday, December 20, 2004

secret santa

At work we did secret santa's. The limit was $10.00

I got one of the managers... one who I have always gotten along with swell.
I gave her a snoopy house with woodstock on top. When you push on woodstock it plays christmas tunes... the back is a gumball dispenser.

The girl that picked me was so kewl.. She works in customer service. I have to bug her almost everyday to get a palm pilot. She also works at a local bank.

Anyhow... she gave me a box of see's candy and a $15.00 gift certificate to Starbucks.. so kewl... way over budget... but much appreciated... I will be sending her a thank you card...


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