hanging on
my instructions are to just hang on...
my goal is to just make it through each momment. A momment that I have to struggle to make it through may be as simple as taking my shower at this point.
What is going on you might ask....
My daughter is very sick, very unstable, very needy.
This weekend she refused her medication two more times. The results were devestating. Two doses might not sound like much... but if her last dose was at 8 AM Saturday and the medication metabilizes in under 48 hours.... Noon on Sunday is not a good time to be around her.
My daughter raged... over the classified ads in the news paper..... the day before she had called over 20 people trying to get them to drop of thier pets...7 of them tried to and were stopped.
The rage was bad.
She has spent the past few days at an acute psychiatric hospital.
My headaches were bad... so bad I would get calls asking how my head was and I would ask people how they knew it hurt. I was unable to remember talking to them Sunday night.
So where do we go from here? How long do I keep hanging on?
TBS will now be 7 days a week... the hours may be extended upwards of 6 hours a day.
The residential facility we visited a week ago has accepted her as a client. It is anticipated that a bed will be open for her in approximately a month.
I keep being told what a good job I am doing, that I am doing everything correctly, that at this point all I can do is hang in there and keep being firm, fair and consistant, most of all keep following through.
I am heading to work for the night.... tomorrow she is slated for discharge....