Ms. Heaven's Thought of the Day

Just my day to day thoughts on life in general.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

MR. William Bradley Pitt ... ummm Brad... over here!!!

If you want to see pics of My daughter up until about age 8 or 9 you can click the link. They are pretty much all from before the bi-polar took hold. She is a very different person now and looks very different. She is 15 now, so they are a good 6-16 years old.

Anyhow...the point of this post is...

Okay... so there is hope for us single girls... Looks like Brad and Jen just might not make it after all... okay so this is a sorry excuse for a post.... as if Brad will find this... hey KCdo you read this? Do you know Brad? LOL... I am bad... anybody? anybody? Bueller? Bueller?

So it looks like Jen has no plans at all for kids... I will have them when Friends is over... now she has filmed 2 movies and has more lined up to film back to back.... Sure Jen... honestly... do you have any plans for kids?

Meanwhile BRAD PITT is dying for children and a family.... he is quoted as saying... Little girls, they crush me. They break my heart..... well um I wonder if the pics of my little girl would crush him??? She was soooo cute. Sooo pretty.

Ummm Brad... if Jen won't help out... you know some of us girls would be honored to rear children for you!!! hence the link... I make a gorgeous kid... so use my genes!!!

Okay... sick... I admit it... but a girl can dream.


How would I define spoiled?

One word… My daughter’s first name…

Let me start by reminding you my daughter has a histrory of getting very ill both physically and mentally and at times we don’t know if she will make it to her next birthday… It hasn’t been that bad for a while… but it continues to affect you for a long time. Mind you she is also away from home.

So what is my 15-year old getting from me for Christmas?
Fur Real Friends Luv Cub Panda
Boombox with radio, CD, and black and white TV
Spongebob microfleece blanket
Holiday Attitude T-shirt
Pillow saying I want to be the kind of person my dog thinks I am
2 pairs of stretch gloves
Contact lens eye drops
CD case
Lifesavers candy book
Mini make-up kit
3 baby bottle pops
2 toe rings
3 earrings
Jewelry box purse/ Dalmatian
Puppy poster
17 pairs of socks… she is always asking for more socks… because she gets holes in them at the barn.
10 schrunchies
Blue and black jelly bracelets and rings
Grow a bunny (happy bunny grows in water)
Gummy savers
Gig pet
Mini Milano cookies
Sponge bob tin with candy
3 inch stuffed horse
Mini fuzzy poster set
Bob the Builder Pez Dispenser
Fat Candy Cane Stick
Snickers Nutcracker candy
Hollow Chocolate Santa
Reeses Tree
Chocolate Marshmallow Santa
Twizzler Pull and Peel
Dove Hygiene Kit (shampoo, soap, deodorant, and loafa)
Box of 8 crayons
Walkman CD player
Set of 6 soda flavored lip-glosses
Disney coloring book
10 headwraps
Peppermint Swoops
Jalapeno sunflower seeds
4 flavored Honey Sticks
Bubble Yum Tape
Miniature Hummer toy
20 AA batteries
16 C Batteries
Oh yeah and a GIANT felt stocking to fill with stockings... he he he

I also sent a present to all the kids in her house from her/us. You can find it at type rice crispie in the search box. You won’t believe how HUGE they are. The kids already got some of them this week. There should still be a lot left. My daughter said they were so big they couldn’t bite them, they had to nibble them. They were so big they could hardly finish one each, but they ALL finished them… LOL

I probably spent too much money but a lot of it was clearance or on sale where I work. A lot of it I also bought on a day when we got extra associate discount on top of the sale prices. A lot of it was from the dollar stores in the area, etc.

She also knows I can only get up there about once a month so things like the junk food are going to have to last her, although I am betting she eats a lot of it while I am there.

I know my sister got her the Edgar Allan Poe complete works that she had asked for.

She gets to have an overnight pass as long as she maintains her current functioning. I made reservations at a pet friendly hotel that will allow her Walker Hound to come visit her for Christmas as well.

She keeps asking me everyday what I got her for Christmas and I refuse to tell her… I tell her things like ME, a lump of coal, to spend a night at a hotel, etc….

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