Ms. Heaven's Thought of the Day

Just my day to day thoughts on life in general.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Happy Birthday to.....

March 15 my sister
March 21 my dad
March 21 ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey now... a lady never tells her age....

but what would make me smile....

dinner and a movie (Outback? Olive Garden? Perko's? Mike's Roadhouse?)
flowers at work (grrr... I will be at training classes in Sacramento that day)
money hey... did you know I have paypal??? (
E-Bay Gift Certificates (I am an E-Bay addict)
Neiman Marcus Truffles (oh wait... DIET)
If you are really rich... a full SPECT scan for Holly at the Amen Clinic by Dr. Daniel Amen
A date with that hot guy on Law and Order... (chris something I think)
Someone to buy Freedom and put her in a pig sanctuary to make my kid stop bugging me

virtual cards are always free and make me smile as well

Okay anyways

point is it will be my b-day on the 21st


email me
yahoo message me foreverheavenly
AIM me shellyandholly
MSN message me
ICQ me 47556574
Leave me messages on this blog


For the record... Holly used her allowance for her facility on a store run and bought me watermellon pull and peel licorice. She only had 2.00 and she knows I like pull and peel and she knows my favorite food is watermellon... sweet huh?


Life is tiring... I am beat...
Work is exhausting... yes... it is good pay... too many hours though... 6 and 7 days a week is tough... 48-66 hours a week is tough. It is getting really busy now and it is hard to hold the fort on days when you are alone.

Yesterday was my day off... when I got off Friday night, I back tracked to my house, got the dogs and then went to see Holly.

Between 5 Pm Friday and 11 PM Saturday I drove over 800 miles.

I had to be back at work today.

So my day off was far from relaxing... far from catching up on sleep.

Today sucked. People were really upseting me. Just not being very nice... By the end of the day... I was on the phone with my district manager in tears... no details... and in the end... it honestly was not as big of a problem as I believed it to be... Thank God! As for the holding the fort... he said he thinks it is time to get us a part timer to help on the weekends... Thank God again...

So how exhuasted am I? Exhausted enough to pay my sister gas (300 miles round trip) , an undisclosed amount of payment for services, and supplies. I had her come play Molly Maid. (dishes, laundry, etc... you get the idea)

She about died when she saw my mail stack and my newspapers. It was ridiculous. none of them were even open yet... so tonight... reading the paper... I found out Charlie Sheen will be a free man again soon... I wonder if he will ever settle down again...

Anyways... if I am not posting on my blog and you are wondering what is up.... or I am not answering your e-mails... I am probably too crashed out to even think.



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