You two pathetic witches came into my business today.
You walked in right after my district manager and a building contractor.
You were both a little taller then me and a little heavier. Your hair is the same collor. I know it was you.You began asking me about ordering something that costs about 7 grand. I was more then happy to help you and explain to you what you wanted to know.
Your so called sister asked to use the restroom which I politely gave her directions to. For the record, I keep the back area secure and you are the only ones who asked to use my restroom today.
While she was gone you asked for a credit application and asked if your husband had to come in with you to return it.
HA do you honestly think I will take your credit ap with someone elses info on it with out them present?
My processing of your credit will be a call to 911!
Well your conspirator came out from the bathroom and claimed she wasn't feeling well so the two of you left. You said you would be back... oh please don't bother.
Because my dm was in the store, I had to look busy, so with nothing else to do, I began emptying the trash. When I emptied the bathroom trash, out came my purse... YOU WITCHES!!
Both he and the contractor also remember you because we found my purse less then 5 mins after you left.You took my dl, my checkbook with 8 checks, 4 credit cards and an atm card... Guess what I beat you to calling them.I know you went to Sonics, Walgreens, Quickstop, etc... all of them are turning over thier video survelience to the police.... attempting to use my credit cards is fraud... and wait until the checks start rolling in... the bank is ready for them...
Yeah, you know where I live... so what... 7 neighbors, the office, and the maintance men are on the look-out on my place... any screaming, any dogs going nuts, anyone near my doors, anyone near my windows, etc... they will immediately call 911 no questions asked... they all know I am not moving anytime soon... so don't bother trying to haul my shit out... you will be caught...Normally my dogs are restricted to certain rooms in my home... well you have my dl and that means my addy... if you enter... beware the dogs have free access to the entire place now... they also know if they bite the bad guys they get the entire bucket of bones.
I wouldn't try it.
And my checks... oh they have my phone number darling... don't bother calling... I have Caller ID... so if you call I will know it immediately.
Enjoy cashing my 8 checks... just know I will find you.