Ms. Heaven's Thought of the Day

Just my day to day thoughts on life in general.

Friday, November 19, 2004

what's your number? Can I call you?

At work the other day one of the young girls were saying they were being bugged by a guy who wants her phone number.

My solution was why don't you give him the local FBI field office number? He won't ask for your number again.

Another girl pulled out her cell phone and called 415-356-9833 and it was a riot.

You get told that you are being rejected. It offers reasons why... ie fat, ugly, psycho stalker vibes, etc.

It ends by telling you to get over it beacuse they have already forgotten about you.

And if that were not enough... after a few bits about needing advertizers... it LAUGHS at you for being rejected.

Too cute...

they have 30 local numbers across the United States... maybe they have one near you.
They also offer an e-mail address that when someone emails it... they get an autoresponder rejecting them and saying they hope the person didn't put a lot of time and effort into the e-mail.... too cute rejection spelt backwards...

too cute...

I dig it

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Prop 63 barely passed.

It was the bill that would tax multimillionaires 1% on every million they earn after the first million. So you are talking about 10,000 on every million after your first million.

Alot of people were upset because the funds are to be dedicated soley to Mental Health treatment for residents of the state.

I was looking up something today and found something else by accident.

Effective Nov of this year, level 14 RTC's, the level my daughter is in, cost $6371.00 per month per client for room and board.

My daughter's non-public school is currently charging $186.00 a day according to the California Department of Education Non-Public School interactive database. This amounts to about $4092.00 a month.

So treatment for the most children with the most severe mental health needs is running over 10 grand a month.

Without Prop 63 programs like AB2726/AB3632/Chapter26.5 would not be able to continue to serve children like my own.

I am fully aware that Prop 63 also has funding programs for Seniors, Adults, Homeless, etc who have mental health disorders.

I just don't think people realize how much we need these programs. Nor do I think they realize how much it costs or why.

I don't know how to explain the costs, but I can tell you what I do know.

In my daughter's case there was a day she was in an altercation with her roommate. When I called later that night to make sure she had settle down, I was told they were in their room sitting on their beds. The house manager was with them along with each of their advocates. I have also learned that her therapist gets called at home immediately when such events occur. This means atleast 3 people were called in to help resolve the situation. Four people were deescalating the 2 girls and trying to do conflict resolution.

Mind you there are other kids in the house. If there are other kids, they had to have other staff to be supervising them as well.

The point is they are trying thier best to make things better. They are trying to help these children so they can function in the community.

In general they have a 2:3 Ratio but in situations like I mentioned above it is a 2:1 or 1.5:1 ratio.

I know at school they have a 12:4 ratio in the classrooms. The school itself has a maximum of 112 students and 80 staff members.

So, yes it is very costly. But if it saves my child's life it will be well worth it.

So... I want to thank you...
You the voters in California.
You the multimillionaires in California.

Without you my child might not have the funding for the treatment she so desperately needs.

Sunday, November 14, 2004


I have been a flybaby and then I was flying for years. I started Flylady's program probably 4 or 5 years ago.

It is only understandable that with all the choas of my mom's strokes and then her moving out followed by my daughter's mental health issues spiraling out of control that my house would go down the tubes.

So I am flying again. I have a spotless kitchen. I am not grossed out when I want to get something to eat. I don't have to do dishes to cook. At this very momment there are only two dirty dishes... a fork and a cup, both have been rinsed off... just waiting for the next run of the dishwasher.

I am currently working on the bathrooms.... UGH.... They suck... but the 10-15 mins of work at a time with a very clear system makes it tolerable. I am seeing a difference. Nothing is on the floors. The trash is out. The showers/tubs are clean. The switch plates and electric sockets are clean. The walls are free of hand prints. The doors are clean. They still have a long ways to go ie mirrors, baseboards, mopping, toilets, sinks, counters, etc.

The point is the house is coming back together.

My daughter has been gone 10 days and things are starting to become normal in my home.

My stess level is so much lower.

I can actually focus on things and accomplish things.

I am proud of me.

Thank you flylady you have saved me and reminded me to take baby steps.

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