Ms. Heaven's Thought of the Day

Just my day to day thoughts on life in general.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

To make her day

About a week and a half ago I went to eat at my local Applebees. Actually, I picked up an order to go. It was after carside to go was closed, so I had to go inside and pick it up at the bar.

While I was waiting for my meal, the manager did something to one of his employee's that was just so wrong. The actual drama of the event is unimportant at this point.

When I got home, I emailed Applebee's and told them what happened and that I sincerely felt this young lady deserved an apology.

I was called by the district manager and ensured that restitution was made to this young girl and that the manager that caused her the hardship had apologized to her.

They then sent me gift certificates to return to their restraunt. I was thanked for letting the DM know what was happening in his store and asked to let him know if I see any other such events at any of thier restraunts.

I went back tonight and asked to sit in this young lady's section. At one point I asked her if she made xyz beg and grovel for forgivenesss. You should have seen her, her face lit up. She had the biggest smile. She told me that the district manager, general manager, and the shift manager all apologized to her. She thanked me for saying something on her behalf.

I am not sure who felt better. I could truly see she was happy. I left feeling good. I know that Applebee's listens. I know that I made a difference. I know she was given the apology I requested they give her.

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