Ms. Heaven's Thought of the Day

Just my day to day thoughts on life in general.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Christmas plans, free credit reports, and so forth

Christmas is approaching rapidly....

Today, I made reservations at a hotel near my daughters treatment facility. I made them at a hotel that is pet friendly because she keeps crying about missing her dog Max, a walker hound. I plan to take him up as a surprise Christmas present.
So, California is in the first group to be able to access thier free credit report... let me tell you what I learned..
1) TransUnion would not let me access it and said I had to request it by mail. That really annoyed me. So I will have to send them a letter now to see it.

2) Experian still shows me with a middle inital A which I sent them documentation of not having a middle name a year ago. I have to dispute this by mail, again. To dispute your name you have to send copies of your birth certificate, drivers license, and social security card to prove you are who you claim you should be.

3) Equifax timed out and would not let me print my report. Equifax also shows 2 accounts twice. One of these sets of duplicates is for something I was never responsible for and was misidentified as. I sent disputes to all three agencies a year ago. Transunion and Experian sent me corrected reports afterwards last year. So I had to file another dispute on both of these duplicate accounts.

Otherwise, I didn't see any real errors.
Other news:
1) I made it through Thanksgiving with a 3 pound loss for the month of November. Not grand but to make it through food holidays not gaining is a real Plus.

2) I went up for my daughters IEP yesterday. Apparently she is as much of a handful for them as for me. In one week of school, 5 days, she left class or got argumenitive 25 times. That is just one example of what is going on. There are a lot of other issues. I am just using that one to show how extreme it is.

3) My daughter is doing 4-H at her facility. She is in the pig program. They have one pig that is due on Dec. 18. She is third to pick a piglet. She plans to get a girl and name it Freedom. She doesn't want a boy because you have to castrate it before you can show it at the fair. The kids do everything... clipping the teeth, shots, etc. A week or so ago she told me about helping to artifically insemenate the other pig. She has become a pig farmer and loves it.

3) Manhunt sucks.

4) Job hunt sucks.

5) The top boss at my store was fired recently by our corporate office. Some things have changed at work. Still not enough to make me recommit myself to the company or to staying, so the job hunt will continue.

6) OH!!! I went to the eye doctor because I have been having headaches and been tired... guess what... I am NEARSIGHTED... I am waiting for my glasses so I can see again.

Anyhow I think that about wraps it up.

Talk to you all again soon.

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