hanging on to???
I haven't been posting much... I just don't feel I have time...
My dad had his heart surgery today. It went well. They only needed to do angioplasty not a double by-pass. His sugar levels seem more controlled lately.
Holly is doing fairly well. I think she has only had one incident in the past month. I am going to go see her again next week. We will probably hit the fair as her 4-h group has thier pigs there.
I am always exhausted from work. I pretty much work 9 hours sunday, 11 hours monday, tuesday, wedensday, and 10 hours Saturday. It is not only a lot of hours on my feet, there is a lot of heavy lifting, using ladders, etc. My body just isn't built for this. I am also pretty unhappy there for several reasons that I don't feel is apporpiate to state in this forum. I will say that 90% of the time various family members are bombarded by my venting. I have decided it isn't going to stay this way for me. Last week, I went on two job interviews.
The diet seems so far from where I want it to be. I have the best of intentions and the best motivaters... I just can't seem to pull it together. I am trying to not be too hard on myself. I realize I didn't get this size overnight. I just have to keep trying.
One of my dogs, Sammy Sosa is having a rough time lately too. I came home from work the other night and at first I thought he had gotten into a fight with out other dog Maximus... His back was a red, no hair, bloody, etc. Turns out he gave himself a hot spot. Being creative, I went to Walmart at an ungodly hour and bought a 4 pack of plastic plates for 97 cents. I measured his neck, cut the plate and made a temporary collar for him. I went to Pet Co the next morning and bought a real cone. I am also putting a hydrocortizone spary on it for him.
My sister is in the pre-op process for weight loss surgery. She is very excited and sees it as a second chance.
My mom is exhausted. She has been so worried about my dad. She had to do a lot of walking today at Standford. Walking is hard in general for her since her strokes.
Anyways, it's late and I am tired... (doc just raised both my thyroid and depression medications, I hope it helps) Thinking of the doc... my cholesterol levels have returned to normal... it seems strange cause of what I tend to eat... turns out the physical output from my job is enough to counter that... now just to cut calories and I would really be PHAT and not FAT.