Farewell Chris
Christopher Reeve Dead at 52!
What else can I say?
My heart goes out to his wife and children.
I loved and adored the man as a child. I would have you know I was going to marry him regardless if he is 19 years my senior.
In high school I had the honor of meeting the man. I believe it was the spring of 87. He was in a play being preformed at the Beverly Center in Beverly Hills California. I was a high school kid involved in Drama. The kids in the Honors Drama class at Palm Desert High School located near Palm Springs, Ca went on a field trip and saw the play.
After the performance, we got to meet the cast. I only remember meeting Christopher. I remember having my picture taken with him. I am sad that I no longer have the pictures. But I do have the memories.
My last memory of Chris (prior to the accident) was him driving off smiling and waving. I believe it was a maroon chrysler lebaron convertable.
That is the image I will always hold of the tall, slender, man I dearly loved.
Farewell Chris