Ms. Heaven's Thought of the Day

Just my day to day thoughts on life in general.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

missing piglets

When I talked to my daughter this morning, the piglets had not been born yet. She said the day before the mama was trying to make a nest and last night the pig was up and down constantly. So she gets to spend another night in the barn.

Her only real complaint was she had to do 4 one hour watches because other kids would not wake up for thier turns.

She was saying her 4-H leader/agriculture teacher's dog who is also due any day was there. She said the dog stole her pillow and was snuggled up to her most of the night.

How sweet!!!

Hopefully tonight, they will get to have piglets.


Today, I have to take Maximus, the walker hound to get his shots, chip, and license. He will finally officially have people.

Max is quite a story. I woke up one day to an extra dog in my house. My daughter said she had no idea where the owners were. She said she bought him for $20.00. Money that was stolen from my purse.

This dog is so obedient. He wakes you up with kisses to go potty during the night. He is very docile. He was fixed already and he was very well groomed.

I couldn't believe this dog was given to a child for 20 bucks. So I took him to the pound and had him scanned. I couldn't believe it... no chip. I was certain he would have a chip. We watched missing dog ads for about a month. We looked through the lost dog book at the pound and so forth. No one was missing this dog.

So, I had made a deal before we went to get the dog scanned... if he wasn't chipped or a missing dog, she could keep him. 6 months or so later, Maximus is laying under my computer table at my feet as I type this message.

He was originally named BUCK, she said that is what the owner called him. I told her NO because everytime she called him I thought she was saying the F word at first. So she wanted glutites maximus (SP) Basically he goes by Max, Maxwell, Maximus, Maxie Waxie, etc.

So today it is official he will have people. Once he is chipped you basically can never get rid of them... they will always come back.

All about the kid

I talked to my daughter last night. She was sooo excited. The mama pig was getting ready to have the piglets. My daughter was getting ready to go to the farm and sleep in the 4-H/ agricultrual classroom.

She said they had a live video feed into the classroom and each child would get to take turns going out to help deliver piglets. She said if the Mama gets too excited she will eat the babies... so they have to take turns.

She is excited because she gets to give vaccines and iron shots. She gets to clip the needle teeth so the piglet doesn't cut the mama when nursing. She wasn't happy that they have to cut the tails because if the pigs fight they try to take off each others tails. She also said they get to cup and secure the umblical cords. She also wants a girl piglet for two reasons: 1) she doesn't want to have to castrate her pig (they do it themselves) and 2) it is more likely to be bought at auction for breeding then for slaughter.

If the piglets look too much alike, she is also mad that they will clip some of the ears so the can tell them apart.

She plans to name her baby Freedom.

She is also not too happy that this is happening over Christmas break because she won't get to see her piglet for 2 weeks after the birth.

hmmmm She was mad at Santa yesterday because he thinks she's fat... lol.. she said the fat kids all got exercize sets.

She was also mad at her house manager because the lady had bought one of the pigs the last time there was a litter, and is now having it slaughtered because it is too big for her family to keep. The mama is a good 400 - 500 lbs.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Megans Law Database

Click on the title to go to the California Megan Law Database. They say only 60,000 of the 110,000 who are required to register, have actually registered. Barely half. I guess half is better then none.

I didn't find anyone I knew. But there are 515 people registered in Modesto. It kind of scared me, but none are that close to where I live.

1 AM on a Thrusday morning

So what is a mom like me doing up at 1 AM on a Thrusday morning.

Well it all goes back to why I am on the job hunt. I used to work graveyards as in 10-6. I used to do both Ad-Set and Frieght Merchandising. I mentioned before that there were changes. Changes that caused major financial hardships. It meant Ad-Set is now 8P-2A and Freight is now 5A-11A. It meant we had to choose coming in during prime-time TV or waking up at 4 in the morning to go to work. The changes meant losing 2.5 hours a day of pay. The changes meant we all lost our 1.75 an hour shift premium. So it was a double loss. (Not to mention on Jan 1 my insurance goes from 21 a week to 36 a week.) I have gone from working about 38 hours a week to 11-15 a week. So I am wide awake sitting here with nothing to do at 1AM.

My Rice cooker just popped, so that means it is lunch time? LOL

I just cleaned out a box in my room and found people on freecycle to relive me of the stuff.

Now I will probalby go hit the job websites looking for a new job, a job that will be a little more reliable.


We all have a passion for something. My biggest passion, the thing that gives me the most incredible rush, the thing that turns me into a megalomaniac is advoacy.

Let me give you a little background. For those who haven't read back in my blog, in 1998, I was forced to relinquish custody of my daughter to obtain medical care for her that I could not afford.

It was an ugly fight to bring her home. A fight with many heros: Former First Lady/ Senator Hilary Rodham Clinton, Senator Barbara Boxer, Senator Diane Feinstein, Congresswoman Mary Bono, County Supervisor Roy Wilson, Former Governor Gray Davis, Jean Tuller at the Health Care Finance Adminstration, Former AB2726 Corordinator Scott Berenson, Former Assistant to the Former State Superintendet of Schools Henry Der, amongst many many others.

SO I went from a hopless, helpless, victim with nothing left to an empowered, victorious, advocate. The journey even included my being invited to Washington DC to speak to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry's Working Group on Consumer Issues. All those who participated were quoted and named in the AACAP Journal.

My battle was one I shared via many yahoogroups. With much encouragement, I worte a book. A book that at one point Harper Collins showed an interest in, but in the end never picked up.

So this book, WRONG ANSWER, sits on my hard drive, all 219 pages of it.

Since my fight, I know of 4 other people whose children came home as a direct result of what I went through, learned, and complied in my book.

As a result, I get calls and e-mails asking for help. I usually will e-mail off the part of the book that will most help them. For no other reason then I have been there myself and know what it is like.

So, yesterday I got an e-mail from a lady who contacted me the first time about 2 months ago. It took a month for her to compile the information I told her she needed. She then followed the steps I gave her that have worked for myself and others.

The past month has been rough for her to say the least. Anyhow, the e-mail yesterday was that her son was released from the system and internal affairs along with others are doing criminal investigations as to her son's treatment.

So this is what I live for. This is what makes me feel like I am a success. Regardless that I got no monetary comensation from any of the people I have helped, I am a success because I helped save a child, I helped pull a family back together, I made a difference. To me that is success.

What is your Passion?

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Modesto Bee and my kid

My daughter was in the Modesto Bee too... It was a long time ago... when we lived here the first time...

here is a clip from the search the archives... I am not paying to download it... I have hard copies... It had an adorable picture of her in the article.

Published on October 8, 1996 by Modesto Bee, The (CA)


LURING KIDS INEXPENSIVELY INTO A LOVE OF THE SPORTThe vision is this: Hundreds of kids descend on the tennis courts of Stanislaus County for free clinics. Some of the youngsters get hooked on the sport and return for inexpensive weekly lessons. In a few years, these kids emerge as accomplished players, feeding the high school and club programs and making the region a hotbed of tennis.

Farfetched? The most difficult part, getting the kids to take that first swing, already is happening.

The brainchild of Stockton dentist and

This is me

This is how I want to be remembered:

Life and death came together in an odd way Monday in Modesto.

All around the city, people thought about Scott Peterson's death -- a punishment recommended by the jury in his double-murder case. Still, in bars and restaurants, people did not cheer as some did a month ago when the jury pronounced his guilt. Monday, people stopped to listen, then quickly went back to what they were doing.

Dozens of people thought about life, as in saving lives, by donating blood at a blood drive named in honor of Peterson's victims -- his wife, Laci, and their unborn son, Conner.
Michelle Dorman, 32, of Modesto said she came to donate after hearing the jury's recommendation for death.

"I had thought about doing it when I heard about (the drive) yesterday," she said. "When the verdict came in today, it just kind of pushed me into doing it."

Of the verdict, Dorman said: "I honestly don't think anyone wins. You have the situation where the Rochas at one point welcomed this man into their home. … And the Petersons love him, but how can you love the person who killed your grandson?"

The entire article can be read at

How about you?

Monday, December 13, 2004

Laci, Conner, Scott the Petersons

Death and now more Death.

No one wins here... like I said before...
the Rocha's probably welcomed Scott into the family and loved him and now he killed thier daughter and grandson.

The Peterson's love there son. Thier son killed their own grandson and daughter-in-law.

No one wins. It has to hurt both ways.

I think this is bitter sweet. I realize the Rocha's are angry right now, but they did welcome him into their lives at one point.

As for Scott... yeah they are going to appeal, but I don't forsee him living long enough to have his sentence carried out.

Today was also the last day of the Laci and Conner Annual Memorial Blood Drive. I went. I gave. It seemed so bizarre that the verdict for death came while the family is asking people to give the gift of life.


Too much heartache in Modesto


Lets face it, Major League Baseball is insulting our community. I don't understand why they would make us the laughing stock of the state by naming our new minor league team the Nuts.

The only logic... to save the mascot Peanut so they can sell the old suveniors.

Well you guys are NUTS!

All I want for Christmas

1) Sienfeld DVD's
2) Money you can paypal me at *hint hint*
3) Thom Racina stuff
4) Thomas Kinkaid stuff
5) Gas cards for trips to see my daughter
6) Hotel gift certificates to see my daughter
7) Vanilla perfume
8) hair straightened
9) Manicure
10) Pedicure
11) Dog Obiedence school for my boys
12) Carpets cleaned
13) Merry Maid gift certificate
14) Elkhide flogger
15) Tony Robbins stuff
16) Wayne Dyer stuff
17) Peter J. Daniels stuff
18) cat declawed, fixed, shots, licesne
19) dogs groomed, shots and licenses
20) two beta vases with the feeding plants so they don't require cleaning or feeding
21) pants
22) coat
23) new pair of saucony shoes
24) massage
25) hair dyed to get rid of the grey
26) a lobotomy

I guess that is a good start

what do you want?


Compliments of my sister and Hunny Bee
1. What is your Full Name: Michelle
2. What jeans are you wearing right now? Grey Shorts
3. What are you listening to right now: Larry Elder
4. What are the last 2 digits of your phone number: 45, 28, 82
5. What was the last thing you ate? applesauce
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be: red
7. How is the weather right now? cold
8. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone: mom
9. First thing you notice about the opposite sex: arms
10. Do you like the person who sent this to you: do I have a choice?
11. How are you today? about ready for bed
12. Favorite Drink: Dr Pepper
13. Favorite alcoholic drink: NONE
14. Favorite Sport to watch: Baseball
15. Hair Color: Brown, Grey
16. Eye Color: brown
17. Do you wear contacts: No
18. Siblings: 1 older sister
19. Favorite Month: July
20. Favorite Food: Chicken
21. Last movie you watched: Stolen Miracle
22. Favorite Day of the Year: 4th of July
23. Are you too shy to ask someone out? HELL NO
25. Hugs or Kisses: Kiss
26. Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
27. Do you want your friends to write back? Yes
28. Who is most likely to respond: No One
29. Who is least likely to respond? Everyone
30. Living Arrangements: me, 2 dogs, 1 cat, 2 beta fish, sometimes my daughter
31. What books are you reading: Does the TV Guide count?
32. What’s on Mouse Pad: none
33. Favorite Board Game: scategories
34. What did you do last night: went looking for christmas lights with teh dogs
35. Favorite Smells: vanilla
36. Can you touch your nose with your tongue: No
37. Favorite Flower: violet roses
38. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? Where did the dogs poop?
39. Job title at work: Ad-Set
40. Toenails painted or touched up: nope
41. Before you shake someone’s hand do you wonder if it has been washed? no, where is my bottle of germicide?

Freecycle, WheresGeorge, Geocaching

So what do I do when I am bored and on-line?

1)Freecycle it is a virtual recycling bin. Don't through your things out... find your local freecycle group at the website and give it away. Need something? Maybe one of your neighbors doesn't need it anymore... Freestuff works for me!

2) Wheres George? Ever wondered where that money came from? Who had it? Where did my money go? Well get ready to find out. Register at Wheres George... Mark your bills, Where did you see me? and the URL, Enter the serial number, denomenation, year, and any comments, then spend... when someone finds it they can re-enter the serial number, etc and you will get an e-mail notifying you that your bill has been found. Kewl eh?

3) Geocaching This one is a lot of fun if you have access to a GPS unit. You punch in a zip code and it gives you a list of treasure sites to go find. You enter the coordinates into your GPS unit and then you are off. The fun part is finding out what is inside. You will find a log to enter your name. Take something out. Put something in. Go back to the website and log your find or lack of find. A hi-tech treasure hunt.

4) Sweepstakes and Contests
I belong to a ton of contest and sweepstakes groups at yahoo. I also use maybe three or four websites to look for freebies they include: and

5) Freebies I love getting freebies!!! Again I mostly use yahoo groups to get the scoop on who is giving away what on a regular basis.

6) Got an Opinion? Questionaires, Surveys, Test Market Studies, Trials, Mystery Shopping, etc might be something you enjoy as much as I do. Then again if you want to tell the media, press or goverment something you might just go straight to

7) when all else fails I can rely on or to humor me for a while.

8) oh yeah my sister put together a page on her blog of the websites I am using to job hunt... you might need it someday... it is at there are many other job banks out there but this is a great way to start your job search!

Hopefully you will find a few things that you can have fun with in here... if you get into freebies, sweeps, etc you might go to and download roboform. It will fill in alot of the info for you with a simple click of one button.

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