Ms. Heaven's Thought of the Day

Just my day to day thoughts on life in general.

Monday, January 03, 2005


yesterday, I got an im from someone on Yahoo asking what I was doing.

In all honesty, I was dealing with Max... I found 2 fleas on him and I pitched a fit... flea baths, flea drops, fogged the house, etc...

Anyways, the person invited me to go to the Raiders game. I said YES!!!

We were late.
People were in our seats, we had to kick them out at half-time.
It was cold, windy, and rainging cats and dogs, but our seats were under an awning.
The Raiders lost.

soooo WHAT!!!
I had a good time with a friend.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Updated picture

This was me the day after Christmas. (i.e. 7 days ago)

I am posting this pic as the pics I use on-line are all OLD. (ie 2002 and 2000) I just never took the time to make a new one.

I don't think we often realize how much we have changed over the years, until someone points it out to us.

Let's face it... I got glasses last month. I completely changed my hair in the last 6 months. And then there is the ever so unpleasant weight fluctuations...

so it was time to update the pics...

I guess I need to update it everywhere I have my pic...

what do you think?

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