Ms. Heaven's Thought of the Day

Just my day to day thoughts on life in general.

Friday, December 31, 2004

Job Hunt ENDS!

The job hunt has ended. I worked my last shift at my old job. I start my new job on Monday.

I got the call offering me the job on Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas!!!!

So how did I get this job? It wasn't a job that I saw posted anywhere, mind you I was applying for everything.

The girl who was my manager when I was assistant manager at the Athelete's Foot before our location closed called me out of the blue. Are you still working at xyz? Is it still part-time? I was like WHERE ARE YOU? So she tells me where she was working and tells me the asst mgr at one of the company's other locations is moving out of state and they need someone to hire.

So I go interview with the mgr at that location. Unfortunately the district manager is out due to a death in the family... sighs... so I sit and wait....

so one day I am at work at xyz and this gal comes in my store... she tells me that the girl who interviewed me really liked me and was going to ask the dm to hire me.

So then I interviewed with the DM. He told me that he would be talking to the mgr on the 23 and she would call to let me know.

Shortly there after the gal I used to work with calls me... the DM really liked you.

Looked good, felt good. Then it was time to wait again.

So I got home from last minute shopping on the 24th and the answering machine was blinking!!! WHOO HOOO !

I did my new-hire paperwork.
Gave my notice at the old job, finished the present schedule.
Start the new job on Monday!!!

I got the job I was at the last 11 months the same way... not the same gal... someone who was at Corp from Athlete's Foot called me and asked me to go apply there.

It is kind of a nice feeling... Having people think of you and looking for you when they need employees.

Goes to show sometimes it is not what you know but who you know.

Monday, December 27, 2004

View from Space

Ever wondered what your house looked like from space? Now, with Google's help you can see. Visit download the free trial and type in an address.

I saw this nifty site on my local news. They put a county on the screen. One of the guys started putting his hand all over the map... when someone would say stop they would zoom in. They did this repeatedly to the point of a specific address.

There is more to their story though... on the morning news once a week they go into different communities to show you what the community has to offer, etc... so this is how they were picking where to go.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

La Quinta Inn, Redding, CA ROCKS!!!

Let me tell you... I will always stay at this HOTEL when I go to Redding related to my daughter.
It was awesome. Nearly everyone there had their pets. I only took Maximus but probably could have taken Sammy too as many people had 2 dogs with them.

Now I found this hotel by googling for dog friendly hotels because my daughter wanted to see her Dog so bad. I called the hotels in the area on the list... most would only allow up to 20 lbs... not Max... when I called this hotel... they told me thay have had great danes stay there before.

SO what else made the hotel great? Clean... Location... Internet TV in everyroom... um e-mail anyone?... free breakfast... I could go on and on... point is it was definately a 5 out of 5 in my book.

As for the visit... it went really well.. Only one problem... and when I got annoyed with it I offered to return my daughter to her facility... she promptly redirected herself and moved on.

We found snow... but didn't do it til it was tooo late...(ie dark) was an awesome sledding hill we found... so I told her when I go up next month, we will try to make it up there early in the day to play in hte snow.

as for me... Christmas Eve I got a call about a job... was told I can come in Monday morning to do new hire paperwork....

will tell you more later

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