worst Christmas gift ever
So I was reading Parade in the Sunday paper today and just had to ask my sister a question that they asked readers...
what was the worst present you ever got....
My sister just glared at me
I started to laugh.
She aned I are now debating the year... but it was in the range of 83-85... so I was like 11-13. I am saying it was 83.
It was the first time my dad let me go Christmas shopping alone.
So Christmas morning she opens her presnet from me. The look on everyones face was priceless. I bought her white-out. Dad says what else did you get her? I say, that is what I got her. He says what the bleep were you thinking... I say... she might make a mistake....
this has been the family joke for years...
my daughter even bought her white out one year.
So here I was on the couch busting a gut as she told me she told at least 10 people the story this year and they all look at her and say what?